Competitor Instructions
- For an attempt that results in failure, after releasing the rope a competitor must continue to traverse the ground or water beneath the obstacle by running or swimming while staying within their lane.
- A competitor must dismount the obstacle after ringing the bell. They must not continue traversing along the rope.
Failure Modes
- Touching the ground, the top of the wall, or the top or bottom of any cutouts within the wall.
- Failure to ring the bell.
Additional Notes
- Once four points of contact are made on the hand and foot blocks, a competitor is considered committed to an attempt and may not restart the obstacle.
- The first hand block and the first foot block located in the lane of attempt must be used when starting the traverse.
- A competitor does not need to use all the hand and foot blocks provided apart from the first hand and foot blocks. A competitor may skip over all other holds, including the final holds, in order to ring the bell.
Source: 2023 Spartan Rules of Competition